Sunday 6 April 2014

vancouver: a late update

okay, i've been a bit slack in writing up the last few places on our trip. not because we didn't love them (we really did) but just because we were so busy and didn't have the best internet connection at the end. now we have been back home in the UK for nearly a whole week and this is the first opportunity i've had to sit down and write. anyway, excuses over.

so, after we'd had our little break to vancouver island we returned to vancouver for a couple of days. we took the car back on the boat and had a smooth sailing. we spent sometime in downtown vancouver on the first day, checking out robson and granville street as well as yaletown. we checked out the vancouver public library which is an absolute gem, as well as being a stunning piece of architecture.

in the evening we went to see the vancouver canucks play the nashville predators at ice hockey. the atmosphere was electric as expected, and we took our seats among the thousands of navy blue-clad fans. the canucks certainly took their time to get going and had a few sketchy moments early on, but eventually won with two goals in the third period, and their newest supporter was thrilled.

the next day we ventured out to find a traditional canadian breakfast. i had a craving for pancakes and bacon. well, i got a plate of pancakes and bacon alright. the biggest plate you have ever seen in your life. i ate approximately one eighth of this plate (yes i did take a nibble before snapping away!).

we went to lynn canyon park in north vancouver where we took a walk through the beautiful forest. the park has three bridges over the canyon. i went on two of them, but i couldn't quite bring myself to walk across the suspension bridge as it was far too wobbly! although a little scared, jam found the courage to cross.

i managed to have a peek over the side of one of the more stable bridges.

before we left we went in the ecology centre there which was full of interesting information about the park and the background to the area. the next day we said our goodbyes to sparky and dropped him off with the car rental people before checking into our flight to new york and preparing ourselves for the long plane journeys ahead.

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