Thursday 6 February 2014

wellington: we only knew you for a day and a half but we liked you

well we flew into wellington on tuesday morning and had a day and a half to get acquainted with the windy city before driving up north to rotorua. the house we stayed at in wellington was gorgeous and had the most amazing views of the harbour.

on tuesday evening we went to a really nice bar called 'the library' for a coupla drinks before going on to 'sweet mother's kitchen' for some southern american food for dinner. the next day we were up bright and early ready to explore the city with the only full day we had there. we went to the 'museum of new zealand te papa tongarewa' which was down by wellington's harbour. the museum is huge and brilliant. we weren't able to do it all but we did spend a good three hours there, spread over two floors, and we got to see the world's largest squid. i didn't take any photos of it but if you look it up you'll see. massive it is.

the cable car was next up for the day, an essential on any wellington visitor's itinerary. we got the cable car up with the plan to walk down through the botanical gardens but we did quickly check with the ticket office that we could get the car back down if we chickened out of it! this is a picture of the cable car going back down the hill sans these two passengers.

so we didn't chicken out of the steep walk, down to the city, through the botanical gardens thankfully and we saw some beautiful displays, visited the carter observatory and the treehouse.

after that we went to the film archive which stored what appeared to be every piece of tv and film that had ever been shot in new zealand and they allow them all to be viewed publicly for free. what a treat. we spent some time in there going through various tv commercials, short films and reading about/looking up films. it was really interesting and we definitely could have spent a lot longer in the archive.

some beers were required next and we went to a basement bar called hashigo zake's which specialises in craft beer. so it was only polite to sample some of the local ales before finishing our day in windy welly off with a film (short term 12) at the local independent cinema and an early bed as the next day we had a 6 hour drive to rotorua!

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